
On Anti-Judaism

In an effort to join the fight against antisemitism, the USCCB's Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, in cooperation with ...

The Danger of Theory

Theory has been the realm of significant progress throughout history. Every great invention, system of government, philosophy, etc. began as ...

Happiness and the Good Life

Happiness is one of the most enduring ideas in the history of the world. One could go all the way ...

True Devotion to the Saints

Before he died, St. Ignatius, yielding to pressure from his assistant and secretary Fr. Luis Gonzalez de Camara, dictated a ...

Why Suffer?

As discussed in the last post, suffering is a tragic part of the human experience. It is a reality that ...

Better Off Dead?

One of the greatest challenges confronting the Church today is embracing the realization that the majority of people, including most ...

In Defense of Honor

In his Reflections on the Revolution in France, Edmund Burke comments on the loss of honor that came as a ...

A Porch to Christianity?

Although it is not clear who first pointed this out, it is most certainly true that there is a certain ...

Bias: A Progressivist Slur

Many of us have been subjected to implicit bias trainings that have become part in parcel of the human resources ...

Transgenderism and Transhumanism

There is a sense that the cultural tide is shifting away from widescale acceptance of transgenderism. One gets the feeling ...