The Muddled Creationist
There is perhaps no movement in the Church that has been more destructive to confidence in Sacred Scripture than Theistic ...
Christ Living in Me
In the midst of his battle against the Arians, St. Athanasius once pithily said, “that which Christ did not assume, ...
Faith and the Suspicion of God
Are you suspicious of God? This is a rather strange question to open an essay, especially one written by a ...
Scriptural Bingo
In Book VIII of his Confessions, St. Augustine details his conversion. After begging the Lord to finally free him from ...
Our Lady and Temptation
In 1926, Our Lord appeared to the last surviving Fatima visionary, Sr. Lucia, in order to ask her to spread ...
Opening Our Hearts
It is somewhat apropos that the leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. Not just because ...
Redeeming Work
Nearly every large company presents itself to potential employees as deeply concerned with helping the new employee achieve “Work/Life Balance.” ...
Vaccines and the Common Good
The past 150 years has seen the greatest flurry of social change in the history of mankind. From the end ...
Living Purgatory Now
The contested doctrines are almost always some of the hardest to live by. This is not because they are difficult, ...
Becoming Men with Chests
CS Lewis once described modernity as being inhabited by “men without chests.” His pithy characterization highlights the fact that men ...