History, some will have us believe, is riddled with myths of dying gods who in their rising, restore life. The renewed popularity of these myths is but a thinly veiled attempt to debunk the truth of the Resurrection of Our Lord. The implication is that Jesus is just one more in a long line of these myths and therefore most certainly false. So common are these attacks, especially among adherents to the cult of the New Atheists, that it is important for us to have a ready defense.
We need not go into specific examples, but it is worth mentioning that whether it is Osiris (who became king of the underworld and didn’t actually come back to life) or Dionysius, the Christian concept of Resurrection is something that is totally foreign to Pagan mythology. Witness the response to St. Paul’s preaching of the Resurrection in the Areopagus (Acts 17:16-34). The wise men of Athens have never heard of the Resurrection and thought it another god that should be added to their pantheon. So nonplused are they by the mention of it that they blow St. Paul off to hear of it another time. Christ’s resurrection is not a resuscitation in the manner of some of the Pagan myths, a mere return to life, but an introduction of a profoundly new way of life. This way of life was not just for Christ, but something that could be communicated to all mankind.
There is also a gap in the logic of the argument as well. Just because there are other things that are similar to a given thing does not mean that the new thing is simply derived from those other things. This is especially true when there are important distinctions that render the two things very different such as afore mentioned concept of Resurrection. But it may suggest some deeper connection than mere plagiarism.
The Flip Side
It is this flip side cannot be easily dismissed. If Jesus Christ truly is God incarnate and by His resurrection, He offers to all mankind salvation and life everlasting, then why should we be surprised that there are hints of it found throughout all times and places? A message that is meant for all mankind from an omnipotent God would be expected to be delivered to all mankind, even if the method of delivery is different. In other words, this is exactly what we should expect. If God’s offer really is for everyone in every age, then He would leave traces of it in nature and in human reason so that men would come to know the saving truth.
In fact, this is not only what would be expected, but is what Divine Revelation tells us to expect. As the sun was setting on Adam and Eve’s Edenic abode, God made clear to them what the consequences of their actions were. These consequences and knowledge of them would be passed down from one generation to the next. No doubt they would be distorted at times, but they would never be wholly forgotten. This includes both the bad news of division within and without as well as the Good News. The last thing that God tells our first parents before shutting the gates of their earthly paradise is that He will redeem them. In other words, mankind would never live under a regime devoid of hope. And just as the bad news is in “our genes” the Good News would be as well. They are a package deal because God has ordained them as such to suit His purpose of drawing all men to Himself. If sin cannot change His plans, then neither can something as accidental as time and place.

Of course without continuous revelation to remind them of the meaning of the “hope that is in them“ along with the continued presence of the Serpent, the tree of hope can become twisted and gnarled. Man, in speaking from the depths of his hope will make up myths to fit the true story as he comes to understand it. Believers are accused of wishful thinking, but that merely glosses over the question as to why the wish is there to begin with. The wishful thinking is the residue of the hope that is simply a consequence of God’s promise.
Therefore this plan of attacking the truth of Christ is ultimately false. There are no myths that precede the “myth become fact” as CS Lewis once called it. For this true myth is found throughout salvation history. It is a “tale as old as time” because it was “in the beginning.” The Chosen People simply kept the facts straight, but they lived with the same hope as the pagans. It is no mere story, but history. God promised it over and over and then delivered “in the fullness of time”. The power of prophecy, this calling of His shot long before the actual event, is ultimately what sets Christ aside and renders all the other resurrection myths as weak prophets at best. It is time we finally bury the myth of the resurrection myth to hopefully never arise again!