Atheists, at least those who are honest, often cite the problem of suffering as their main obstacle to believing in God. They reason that if there is a loving God, then there wouldn’t be so much suffering. A believer may counter with the burden of free will, but that really only accounts for the moral evils in this world. What about the natural evils, those like we see in the wake of hurricane, where suffering and death seem to be everywhere? The problem facing the believer is how he can explain a mystery, that is the mystery of evil, to one who does not yet have faith. And so, the unbeliever goes away with only more reasons for disbelief. But if we are to give them reasons for belief, then we must be willing to dive into this question a little more deeply.
Evil and suffering are, as we said, a mystery. The word mystery comes from the Greek word mysterion which literally means closed. Mysteries, at least in the sense we are using it here, are closed to the rational mind. The human mind, unaided by revelation, can not even conceive of the mystery. Once it is revealed, it becomes intelligible, but the light of full understanding cannot be seen. The mystery of evil is one such revealed truth that, absent the gift of divine faith, is completely incomprehensible. No amount of reasoning about suffering and evil could ever bring us to the point where we could conclude that “all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Hope and the Desire for Justice
Even if we could intellectually assent to this truth, it remains elusive because it is also the foundation of the theological virtue of hope. Like faith, hope is a gift and not something we can earn. It resides in the will and acts like a holy fortitude that enables us to habitually cling to the truth of God’s Word even in the presence of manifold evils. It is in “hope we are saved” (Romans 8:24). At every corner, the believer is tempted to despair, that is, to give up on the fact that God always fulfills His promises so we should not be surprised when the unbeliever, who lives without these supernatural gifts, finds no seeds of hope in this world.
Lacking supernatural faith and hope, it would seem that the unbeliever’s ears remain permanently closed to any possible theological explanation. It only seems that way however when we ask an important question. Why is it that the unbeliever expects things to be otherwise? The answer, once it is uttered, turns the issue on its head. What makes evil and suffering so bad in the mind of the unbeliever is that it appears to be indiscriminate; favoring, if anything the guilty more than the innocent. Peeling back a layer of his thoughts he will find that, like all men, he has an innate desire for justice. This desire, even if it is unacknowledged cannot be stamped out. He finds within himself a fundamental paradox—”there is no God and yet I expect justice.”
Every true desire that we have has an object. We experience hunger and there is food, we experience loneliness there are companions, we desire knowledge, there are things to be known. We could go on and on listing our desires and find that each matches to some object. Justice however remains mostly elusive. We certainly believe there is an object, or else all the political machinations in which we try to create a utopic paradise are pointless. But those objects have proven to be woefully inadequate. It is reasonable then to expand our horizons.

This line of reasoning is not unlike CS Lewis’ argument from desire, except that it points towards an event—the Last Judgment. The Last Judgment, the moment when Christ comes to judge the living and the dead, will be first and foremost an event of justice. Every injustice will be set right, every wrong righted, everlasting crowns given to those who suffered injustice and everlasting shame to those who doled it out. The judgment of history will be corrected and “the last shall be first and the first shall be last.” Justice will be served.
The Final Judgment as a Beacon of Hope
In short, the desire for justice is meant to serve as a signpost pointing towards the truth of eternal life. Pope Benedict XVI calls this “the most important motive for believing in eternal life” in Spe Salvi, his second encyclical:
There is justice. There is an “undoing” of past suffering, a reparation that sets things aright. For this reason, faith in the Last Judgement is first and foremost hope—the need for which was made abundantly clear in the upheavals of recent centuries. I am convinced that the question of justice constitutes the essential argument, or in any case the strongest argument, in favor of faith in eternal life. The purely individual need for a fulfilment that is denied to us in this life, for an everlasting love that we await, is certainly an important motive for believing that man was made for eternity; but only in connection with the impossibility that the injustice of history should be the final word does the necessity for Christ’s return and for new life become fully convincing.
Spe Salvi (SS) #43
Following this line of reasoning a little further, we see that the unfulfilled desire for justice in this life becomes a beacon of hope for the next. It is according to God’s Providential design that justice will be lacking in this world precisely to spur our desire for the next. Revelation then becomes the venue where desire meets object. The heart testifies and Revelation answers.
Based on this view, the Pope wants us to correct our view of the Final Judgment and see it in the light of the Good News. “The image of the Last Judgement is not primarily an image of terror, but an image of hope; for us it may even be the decisive image of hope” (SS, 44). When we see it as part and parcel of the Good News as a response to man’s universal longing for justice, its evangelical power can be unleashed.